koorkoor Publish time 2011-9-3 02:00

nice one, very useful for newbies =)

Xana Publish time 2011-9-26 17:59

Thank you for sharing!!

waspjh1984 Publish time 2011-10-25 00:55

Another tip.

I waited years to buy a good pair of embroidery scissors.Why was the others I had were very good scissors just not embroidery.Now I wonder why I waited.They cut the fabric perfectly. They cut the floss in a snap.   They are wonderful for tearing stitches apart when I made a mistake.The small points let me make decorative holes easily as in hardanger.The tiny tips are sharp and pefect for making a hole larger if I need it.They take the place of a number of tools.

Now that being said, not all scissors are created equal.My DMC ones have been relegated to cutting metallics and other threads I don't want to use my good ones on because I found them too dull from the day of purchase.In fact I wondered why I had bothered buying them.Then I invested in a more expensive decorative pair that I bought mainly because I thought they were pretty.Oh the difference.The expensive ran about $25 American but they are worth every penny and show no signs of dulling.   As to the DMC that I bought for $8 American,I may have simply got a bad pair.That does happen.

Invest in good scissors.It will save a LOT ofheart burn.

magdus208 Publish time 2011-11-30 01:04

Thanks for useful information!

charlotte56 Publish time 2012-4-23 02:06

thank you for information

hamstero Publish time 2012-4-23 04:34

Nice to have this information. thanks

ciayin Publish time 2012-4-23 12:22

thank you for the information

nguyenhanguyen Publish time 2012-5-1 15:29

Thank you very much for sharing

Sutiz Publish time 2012-5-1 16:17

Thanks for the useful posting:)

LouAnna Publish time 2012-5-27 03:10

I too bought a more expensive pair, but my cheap stork scissors are still better.Should have skipped on the fancy and bought myself another pair or stork at my local craft store.
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