makhdalena Publish time 2013-1-15 22:42

How make a good thread?

Hi, im a newbie,i try to make thread in cross stitch pattern repaint. twice, and always delete by moderator. i dont know why. i dont understand what is the mistakes. there is no explanation from moderator. can you explain to me how to make a good thread, that is attachment file. thank before.

mardy Publish time 2020-2-8 02:15

Thank you, this was helpful

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-11 02:04

Following this thread

Katezath Publish time 2013-1-15 22:52

at first, you have to searching first is it already being posted or not available. if someone already posting about your posting the moderator will be delete yours.

These are the basic rules for uploading the scanned/repaint pattern. may it help you :)
1) Always search using several different key words before posting a pattern
2) The pattern should be divided into 5mb parcels using winzip
3) Always include an Image of the pattern in the thread
4) From the pattern information form Pattern Name, Size, Colour-Printed and No. of Attachments should be filled out as a minimum Floss Brand is is preferable as well
5) Image and all Attachment files should be palced into the Thread Window, and not placed into Reply Windows after the thread has been made.
6) Abusive, Malicious or Indecent threads will be deleted, as will duplicate threads. Authors of incomplete threads will be given a chance to repair the thread, if it is not repaired, it will be deleted.
7) Any issues that Members find with Threads should be listed in the Informal Posts and Replies Thread or Reported to the forum Moderator.
8) Please note, .pdf or .jpg file that create from cross stitch software (without a proper designer) shouldn`t be posted in the Scanned Area.

victam Publish time 2013-1-15 23:31

Yeah, i have also tried, followed instructions, but still being deleted, i have given up, dont know what i am doing doing, i hope you have more luck !

makhdalena Publish time 2013-1-15 23:40

thank you katezath. very usefull

Happy_Stitcher Publish time 2013-1-15 23:56

Hi Makhdalena, welcome to the forum :)

Please read this thread about why a new thread is not approved.

yesigusmaini Publish time 2013-1-25 14:20

thank u for the information

wally123 Publish time 2013-1-25 15:29

thanks for the information I will try again as well

zora21410 Publish time 2013-2-2 06:45

Moi aussi j'ai du mal à me diriger sur le site.

MIDORIRO Publish time 2013-2-4 17:48

Merci pour votre aide

MIDORIRO Publish time 2013-2-8 17:03

Merci pour le partage

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