xem Publish time 2013-6-16 02:38

A régi időkben alapszabály volt, hogy a hímzőszál nem lehetett hosszabb az alkarunk hosszánál, azaz a csuklónk és a könyökünk közötti távolságnál. Ha ezt betartjuk akkor nem sodródik,- és csomósodik a hímzőszálunk.

Gyakorlatból tudom, hogy így ez így van.

Jazzi Publish time 2013-6-29 23:01

I have used beeswax for my linen thread before stitching handbound books for years. It was not until I searched the Thread Heaven online last night to answer someone's questions that I found how superior Thread Heaven really is.

I have it here and have used it on Kreinik and seed beads, however I never really thought I needed it for Cross Stitch until 2 black DMC threads that I was stitching with came out of the needle and didn't want to go back in. I had read that using saliva from my mouth can degrade the floss so I used the Thread Heaven, it was indeed "heavenly"

Based on the table they have at www(dot)threadheaven(dot)com; it has been tested in all kinds of ways and proven superior to beeswax, candle wax, fray chek and more. I know I have at least 2 of them and I need to find them and start using them lol Also it said on the website that it should be taken out of the little box and put back in so it evenly wears.

Things that make me go "hmm, I am so glad that I looked" :)

orionjes12 Publish time 2018-2-10 08:10

i havent tried any of two. but as far as I know, they are the same. it is best used for metallic threads.

Sarge Publish time 2018-2-23 00:01

I’ve started using thread heaven as well.I never heard before this that saliva can degrade the thread...wow I’ve been doing that forever...going to be a bad habit to stop. I enjoy reading everyone’s input...it helps me to know what to use.

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-10 06:47

Following this thread

Guaranita Publish time 2024-2-18 22:12

Following this thread

integra974love Publish time 2024-4-1 16:17

Большое спасибо!

wiccakid Publish time 2024-4-4 05:20

I have both and much prefer the Thread Heaven to keep threads from knotting as much. For me, the beeswax doesn't get the thread very silky, more STICKY than anything else. It does keep it from knotting but I don't like sticky. :(

Knitpurlsm Publish time 2024-4-9 02:24

Thanks for the info!

Whisper whisper Publish time 2024-4-19 16:15

Thanks for sharing
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