GrannyNeedle55 Publish time 2013-10-13 03:18

I understand clearly your tutorial, thanks for posting it here.

evenflo09 Publish time 2013-11-6 04:07

I have heard of parking but trying to manage it was another thing for me :lol I like that the holes are easier to stitch so I might try using this method again. I will limit it to 2-3 colors though so I don't get too confused. ;P

jillyann Publish time 2013-12-2 12:17

Very useful information.I think I will give this a try on my next large project.

Elyariete Publish time 2013-12-2 23:51

I never tried this technic, but I will try next time, it seems faster than I usually do.

thesquish9 Publish time 2014-1-4 02:44

Yay…I finally know what everyone is talking about!

MumNZ Publish time 2014-1-6 07:12

I'd never heard of this before!One of the ladies at our craft group leaves the threads at the back and we're always ask her how she keeps them from getting tangled.I might suggest she parks on the front.;P

milva5 Publish time 2014-1-14 22:07

I heard about this method, but I'll never tried. Thank you for the tutorial, I think I can do :)

jladesigner Publish time 2014-1-23 10:43

I haven't ever parked either...but can see where it may be helpful so thanks for the info!

Hammy Publish time 2014-2-2 20:51

Sometimes I park 3-5 threads, never more. I find it useful.

tonca Publish time 2014-2-18 20:01

inever done this, but i think it would not work for me, i better stay at my own way, but thanks for the information
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