Lindy Lou Publish time 2013-8-10 14:20

Edges of work.

What do you do to the edges of your work before you start? I find that just a fine line of clear nail polish helps. Others stitch or overlock their work.

d3lta Publish time 2021-3-19 02:37

I find placing painter's tape on the edge and folding over onto itself allows me to use a larger hoop and it is easily removed when complete and not sticky.

TheOraclePatter Publish time 2021-3-19 00:05

I either use a zigzag stitch (if I use my sewing machine) or whip stitch if by hand.

mardy Publish time 2020-2-8 06:10

I zigzag the edges and then straight stitch over the zigzag, (with my machine)

Sopusha Publish time 2021-3-21 00:11

I either use a zigzag stitch(use my sewing machine)

Romherita Publish time 2020-4-5 05:08

Uso cinta adhesiva y así nunca de deshilacha

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-10 23:19

Following this thread

misia2 Publish time 2013-8-10 16:43

Edytowano przez misia2 dnia 2013-8-10 09:47

Ja obszywam brzegi kanwy sciegiem zwanym pieluszkowym lub poscielowym ,niektórz obklejają tasma malarską przy dużych projekatach

waterlillie Publish time 2013-8-11 03:50

I use fray check. It's a liquid and very easy to use. It's a great thing to have on hand for other things like mending too.

GrannyNeedle55 Publish time 2013-8-12 12:41

Sometimes I just machine stitch the edges, but the little pieces I just leave as is.I never thought of fray check.Great tip.:D

spacegirl Publish time 2013-8-13 23:59

The larger pieces of linen are serged when I buy them. If I need a smaller piece I run into problems because I don't have a serger. I've tried to hand stitch the edges but found that the five theads or so deep that I whip the edge will all separate from the rest as a single unit. So, it doesn't work for me, I think I lose less theads off the sides if I don't whip the edges at all.

Lindy Lou Publish time 2013-8-14 07:28

spacegirl replied at 2013-8-14 00:59 static/image/common/back.gif
The larger pieces of linen are serged when I buy them. If I need a smaller piece I run into problems ...

I have not stitched on Linen and always use Aida, but I will keep this in mind.

catusiana Publish time 2013-8-14 13:07

First I use adhesive paper, but this damages the fabric. Now I overlap it.

Hatsekidee Publish time 2013-8-14 15:21

Sewing machine, that's the fastest for me.

seditas Publish time 2013-8-16 08:50

Sobrehílo con maquina de coser que es mas rapido

Lindy Lou Publish time 2013-8-16 13:48

seditas replied at 2013-8-16 09:50 static/image/common/back.gif
Sobrehílo con maquina de coser que es mas rapido

Thank You. I think most people sew the edges.
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