sukyung Publish time 2018-7-20 01:46

Thank you very much!

Sue123456 Publish time 2018-8-22 00:37

Very useful indeed!

clgram Publish time 2018-8-22 01:24

I love purling, but at times I can see the usefulness of knitting or purling backwards. However, whenever I try it, my stitches are not as even, so I haven’t done much with it. I guess I need to just give in and do a big swatch for practice.

allegra Publish time 2018-9-8 05:09

Never heard of it, but I am going to try it. Thanks for this technique.:D

gamzesk Publish time 2018-10-20 01:17

thanks for sharing

ultimateduck13 Publish time 2021-2-18 05:29

Interesting, thanks!

Brnbrn Publish time 2021-3-3 20:19

Thank you very much

tatyanaSeigers Publish time 2021-3-3 20:56

Thank you so much for sharing.

Suzy123 Publish time 2021-3-4 02:28

Thank you. It looks interesting

Addison.maddiso Publish time 2021-3-13 20:23

That's how i learned to knit
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