KnittingAngel Publish time 2015-4-22 21:36

How to knit Estonian Nupp stitch

1,Knit one, but don’t let the stitch off of left needle
2. Yarn over
3. Knit again (in the same stitch)
4. Yarn over
5. Knit again (in the same stitch)
6. Yarn over
7. Knit again (in the same stitch)
you should have 7 stitches on your needle
Npte: do this loosely

8. not let the stich that you put all the stitches into go.

9.Insert left hand needle in all of those 7 stitches (be careful so you don’t grab the other stitches on this needle)

10.With right hand needle grab the yarn… and pull through (you can use crochet hook if you can’t make it with the needle)
You can do this also with a crochet hook.

11. With right hand needle, take yarn again…

12. and pull through the stitch you formed in step 10

13. Take the left hand needle out and tighten the stitch.

You have just made your first Nubb :)

there is a youtube video of this search under Paula Fuessle Nupps in Estonian Knitting part 1

Part 2 of the Nubb stitch
how to make it look nice, so there are no whole is the next row.

This is what it will look like if you do not to the second part

this is what it will look like if you do the sencond part.

so much nicer

1. Purl until the “nupp” stitch

2. Lift “nupp” on to the right hand needle

3. Pick up a strand between stitches…

4. …and put it on a left hand needle so it forms a little twist

5. Lift “nupp” stitch back to the left hand needle…

6. …and purl the twisted yarn stitch and “nupp” stitch together.


Ther is also a video on this scond part again search Paula Fuessle Nupps in Estonian Knitting part 2

I hope you have enjoy and found this useful :)

ghiromi Publish time 2018-2-27 22:20

Dear KnittingAngel, you truly are an ANGEL for sharing this! I find it very useful and will make my sister happy as she was working on a pattern whose name was something like "Lilly of the valley" stitch. Neither of us knew what stitch was used in detail and now I have seen that it's the very technique you just show here. THANKS so so much! :D

NewTCCA Publish time 2020-12-14 14:25

Thanks, nupps are great for adding texture!

Hookyarns Publish time 2020-10-3 06:19

Wow that's a really pretty nupp thank yiu

PamKra Publish time 2019-12-15 05:20

This is very helpfull! Thank you so much:))

alina616 Publish time 2020-12-9 20:31

thanks   :)

Vinterapel Publish time 2016-12-6 02:11

    Thank you for showing

benten03 Publish time 2021-12-10 20:35

It's nice to have the pix to look at

SashSplash Publish time 2022-1-5 02:08

Your nupps look so good. Thank you!

viky Publish time 2024-4-18 04:49

Thank you very much for sharing!

ultimateduck13 Publish time 2021-2-17 03:45

Thank you very much for sharing

izabellia Publish time 2015-4-22 22:07

Thank youvery much

toti1418 Publish time 2015-4-22 23:36

Muchas gracias por compartir

LucyLocket Publish time 2015-4-23 05:06

Nice! Might try it on a purse I'm supposed to be knitting soon!:lol

livia7785 Publish time 2015-4-25 17:31

Thanks For Sharing

Leonora Publish time 2015-10-22 02:23

Thanks For Sharing

loveeluna Publish time 2015-11-28 14:10

Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

sondray Publish time 2016-9-4 00:48

thanks very interesting.

Skazka61 Publish time 2016-10-7 04:38

Thank you very much.
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