Sleeing Publish time 2020-4-1 01:04

Good tip! I've also heard about shredding old t-shirts and clothes as an alternative! Will be trying that out in my next project!

Marilin76 Publish time 2020-4-3 05:19

Ottima idea

luisinatejada Publish time 2020-4-19 12:53

Great idea!!! Thanks!

lemons Publish time 2020-4-26 01:32

thank you!!!

ultimateduck13 Publish time 2021-2-17 08:32

Thanks For Sharing

cbninna Publish time 2021-4-22 23:45

nice thx

htsear13 Publish time 2022-6-13 23:09

sounds interesting! following..

E123 Publish time 2023-2-26 02:46

There's also a recycled cotton stuffing I use. It's rather dense so it keeps shape ok.

petrica Publish time 2023-3-1 04:57

Interesante tema para investigar y aprender, muchas gracias!!

claricat Publish time 2023-3-8 23:03

Thanks for sharing!
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