BarbaraM Publish time 2017-9-15 21:33

static/image/common/user_online.gif becky3086 static/image/common/clock.gif 2017-9-5 10:18
I really like knitting with just plain metal straight needles. I do use circulars but they make my h ...

You must try the wood ones - very light, points are sharp

maryknitter65 Publish time 2017-10-10 00:51

My favorite are Hiya Hiya interchangeables.

tricialynn Publish time 2017-10-10 13:42

I love the clicking sound of metal or aluminum but use bamboo for slippery yarns.

Nicnic Publish time 2017-11-4 02:16

I like pony needles but maybe i should try some bamboo ones

TVB Publish time 2017-11-4 20:54

I love red Chiagoo and of course HiyaHiya, the best of intechangeables needles and I have used a lot of brands. I good like that hiyaHiya made same 1.5-2.5 interchargeables as chiagoo do

asty Publish time 2017-12-11 07:28

Chia goo are my favorite along with Addi interchangeable

JoanneClark Publish time 2017-12-20 21:46

I have a set of interchangeable ChiaoGoo needles and absolutely love them!

nata0401 Publish time 2017-12-28 20:53

I like circular KnitPro, especially Symphonie needles. Bamboo very good too. Bamboo needls is bright and use well for dark yarns.

hoibonchen Publish time 2018-1-6 00:04

Chiao Goo bamboo, hiyahiya steel, Addi (but not the sharp one), KA bamboo, Holz&Stein ebony ... I decide upon the yarn I have to knit, but I hate KnitPro!

gladir1 Publish time 2018-1-19 12:49

Я вяжу на спицах Addi, мне нравится. Чтобы леска была послушной, я перед вязанием опускаю её в теплую воду, тогда она не перекручивается.
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