Dreaming9 Publish time 2018-1-5 18:23

Circular, is faster and the final result is perfect

loveinspanish Publish time 2018-1-6 08:08

static/image/common/user_online.gif Dreaming9 static/image/common/clock.gif 2018-1-5 02:23
Circular, is faster and the final result is perfect

I feel the same way!My circle will be complete once I become proficient at magic loop.Sometimes I find 2 circs a bit fiddly.

Cinnamon Anna Publish time 2018-1-11 01:16

Circulars forever :D:D:D:D !

dove2 Publish time 2018-1-16 01:21

depends on size...I have some lovely 5 inch dpns dh bought me (he wants more socks, lol), but I also have some nice bamboo 6 in circulars that are great to work with.

toomuchreading Publish time 2018-1-20 04:31

I prefer circulars.If I use dpns, they always fall off my stitches, so I end up having to pick up stitches, even if I use something, like an elastic, to stopper the ends.I now do everything that I can 2 at a time, like sleeves and socks in magic loop.That way if I make a mistake, its done on both so they are the same, and it turns into a "design feature" instead of a mistake.It also less noticible.

akakak49 Publish time 2018-1-22 13:44

hi~ nice to meet you~

Dreaming9 Publish time 2018-3-16 01:10

Circular kniddle for the final result!

Ju5000 Publish time 2018-3-16 06:49

Dpns better but circular doing

babs33 Publish time 2018-3-18 05:49

I prefer circulars, I always get ladders with DPN's no matter how tight I try and knit

springRollGood Publish time 2018-3-24 01:26

I love circulars as DPNs put my fingers and wrists in pain. I'd avoid DPNs at all cost... unless I need to use them to knit fingers. :(
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