Artemae Publish time 2020-9-10 12:19

Obrigada muito útil

Yarni Publish time 2020-11-17 16:18

That chart is ideally how it works, and how it usually does work. Unfortunately these can vary significantly by manufacturer, especially between smaller companies. I universal way of determining yarn size is wraps per inch, just wrap the yarn around a ruler. There are lots of charts online for it

NewTCCA Publish time 2020-12-14 13:51

It sounds like people are making excuses like goldilocks, saying too thick or too thin or too rough or too soft. Usually the pattern will tell you what yarn and needle size is suitable for that pattern.

Isoamigu Publish time 2021-9-26 02:42

Thank for info

benten03 Publish time 2021-12-10 02:52

I think it matters more how you think it feels rather than if it says it's soft.
Maybe you could try using some of the yarns that say they're for kids/ babies?

Justine77777 Publish time 2022-8-7 07:12

Thanks for this info. It seems to vary greatly even within weights. I've now stuck to using WPIs.

rion165 Publish time 2022-8-7 11:08

thanks for the chart~

bib1994 Publish time 2022-8-12 09:19

Thanks! Will definitely keep all this info in mind for the future.

xstormyx123 Publish time 2022-8-12 20:58

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ Thanks so much! ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

Kwatkin112 Publish time 2022-8-26 13:51

I prefer yarn art jeans
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