frambinone Publish time 2018-7-29 17:47

clover soft touch for me and I put nail vernish on them to add some lovely colours :loveliness: (bye bye dull brownish colour)
I tried the tulip, the rascol and the clover amour but it didn't feel right, they're good products but I prefer the soft touch ones.

jihabear Publish time 2018-7-29 18:51

Clover amure work best for me

gamzesk Publish time 2018-10-20 03:06

good luck!

ultimateduck13 Publish time 2021-2-18 05:24

Interesting, thanks!

Amigurumicii Publish time 2021-3-20 21:42

Paylaşım için teşekkür ederim

babsllz Publish time 2021-5-6 20:22

the steel one sometimes hurt my thumb because of the number written on it, so i just use some plaster (band-aid) to cover it and give me more grip. but usually i've been using the wood one, with the wood handle. i find it very confortable for use!

Charles Publish time 2021-5-21 11:11

Very good question. Thanks. Publish time 2021-8-4 05:04

I love my clover amour, since I got them I've never looked back

josianne Publish time 2021-9-15 04:29

A numeração da agulha vai depender do fio que estiver utilizando. A escolha da agulha é muito pessoal. As mais famosas são Tulip e Clover. Mas você precisa experimentar, porque vai depender do jeito que você segura a agulha. Verifique também se não está forçando muito os seus pontos e tente puxar menos o fio.

chocolate Publish time 2021-9-27 12:31

I used the metal ones when I was younger. However, now, I find the Tulip brand easier to work with. I have also tried the Pony one with the same size, but I still prefer Tulip. I am still hunting other brands to check and see.I will update this response when the other hook brands that I bought arrived.
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