Ispillmyheart Publish time 2018-7-10 12:56

Help with a row? Pattern wrong?

I need alittle help. I’m relatively new to crochet but I have done a few. I just finished row 8 of this pattern and row 9 well? Has no x ? So I just do the few stitches it says? Or repeat it over and over till end of row? Both scenarios don’t end up with (30) though? Am I missing something? Also row 4 I just did what it said and started the next row 2 stitches sooner, if that makes sense? Because that didn’t add up either... I’m really starting to wonder :/can anyone help?

tazspam11 Publish time 2018-8-2 11:10

Row 9 would come out to exactly 30. You start with 24, and increase 6 stitches total to get 30. It would look like this: 3 sc, inc in the next st (bringing it to 5 total stitches)", rep. Then it would go to 8 sts (after the next 3sc), and the increase would bring it up to 10, and so on until you've done it six times ending with 30 sts. If you repeat "3sc, inc in next st" 6 times the totals would look like this as you go: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30. Each increase brings the total to a multiple of 5. I hope that helps you. I think the problem is that it says "2inc" which should really say "inc in the next st". so you're supposed to do one increase in the next stitch, not two. Sorry this is super late, but maybe someone else will be helped by my explanation I hope.

Ispillmyheart Publish time 2018-7-10 23:04

static/image/common/user_online.gif Duckeyd static/image/common/clock.gif 2018-7-10 22:06
Since the 3 sc, 2 inc is between the *'s I would say that means you work 3 sc and then inc 2 in the...

But that would equal way more than (30) ?

Ispillmyheart Publish time 2018-7-10 14:52

static/image/common/user_online.gif static/image/common/clock.gif 2018-7-10 13:21
in the 4th row, most likely, 1sc ,1 inc, *2sc, inc* x 5, 1 sc = 24. In the 9th row - * 3sc, 1inc* x...

Thank you I’m going to try that

Snoww Publish time 2018-8-12 17:56

static/image/common/user_online.gif static/image/common/clock.gif 2018-7-10 06:21
in the 4th row, most likely, 1sc ,1 inc, *2sc, inc* x 5, 1 sc = 24. In the 9th row - * 3sc, 1inc* x...

Yes that wil do

Duckeyd Publish time 2018-7-10 22:06

Since the 3 sc, 2 inc is between the *'s I would say that means you work 3 sc and then inc 2 in the next stitch to the end. Good luck Publish time 2018-7-10 13:21

in the 4th row, most likely, 1sc ,1 inc, *2sc, inc* x 5, 1 sc = 24. In the 9th row - * 3sc, 1inc* x 6 =30. Row 11 - 15sc, 1 inc x 6, 15sc =42

AstroGirl Publish time 2018-12-13 17:29

I would do *4sc, inc*x5 in order to end up with 30sc

htsear13 Publish time 2022-6-13 23:07

sounds interesting! following..

wuedna13 Publish time 2019-8-9 12:50

Thanks for sharing!

Fatima jad Publish time 2018-8-2 23:15

Like this

Skyesshi Publish time 2018-7-10 13:36

good luck! Publish time 2018-7-10 15:43

good luck!
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