allegra Publish time 2018-9-19 05:32

Lovely, thanks Very nice job, congratulations!:D

GreenWeaver Publish time 2018-9-19 07:09

static/image/common/user_online.gif bevcustom static/image/common/clock.gif 2018-9-18 15:28
Love your work and your scarf. I just finished a double knit scarf with a horse, and it definitely i ...

It's the Double Jacquard Autumn Dance by Svetlana Gordon.Fair warning though, this wasn't easy, and I've been knitting for almost 60 years.The design has 240 rows, with 82 stitches per row (which is actually 162 with the doubling).You're supposed to do 240 pattern rows, then 80 rows of "plain" double knitting (no pattern, just opposite colors on each side), then another 240 pattern rows in reverse.I didn't like the plain middle section, so I did the pattern 3 times.I averaged 4 rows an hour, if I didn't have to tink, and I had to tink a lot, LOL.It's just too easy to get mixed up whether you're doing an odd or even row, and whether the chart is referring to knit (odd rows) or purl (even rows, in reverse because it's not in the round) stitches.

Well, you know all this already if you just did a double knit scarf, but if you do knit this, you have my sympathies, LOL.

hopeplus Publish time 2018-9-19 10:31

So beautiful

sylvive Publish time 2018-9-19 12:25

Very nice :)

Marie-Louise Publish time 2018-9-19 13:33

Very nice !

labolgetta Publish time 2018-9-19 13:43

Many thanks

julya9 Publish time 2018-9-19 14:10

Thankyou very muchforsharing!

sissy Publish time 2018-9-19 15:09

Very nice!

hookboogaboo Publish time 2018-9-19 18:58

        Great work!

vyshena Publish time 2018-9-19 19:41

Very beautiful! Сongratulations!
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