sallyrose Publish time 2011-9-14 09:25

Orts - explanation

I read on another post the question asking what orts are.
This is from the net:
Definition: The snippets of floss left over from stitching are called Orts from an archaic term that means scraps.
Many stitchers save the orts for other craft projects.
Ort may also be said to stand for "Old Ratty Tails".
Some stitchers snip them smaller and leave them out for the birds to put in their nests.
Most stitchers just collect them in a container for fun.

WisteriaJade Publish time 2018-12-15 13:38

i was amazed when i learnt that those ratty little bits were a THING!!!! I'm now doing a jar, wishing for the last 30 years I'd kept them all for reasons completely unknown to me!!!!!

mardy Publish time 2020-2-7 08:33

I save it in an old jelly jar until its full and then I toss it.In the past I have added it when making paper, It looks very pretty like this

BNS Publish time 2019-2-10 21:15

My LNS put them in clear ornaments and decorated the door at Christmas.I've been doing the same, makes a colorful decoration!

Shoshana5719 Publish time 2020-12-9 15:09

I really like the idea of leaving it for the birds, I think i will do that for them next spring. Thanks

Chase21500 Publish time 2018-12-14 19:38

I usually throw mine away but have recently seen them placed in a clear Christmas bulb. Very cute.

gingerg Publish time 2019-2-17 04:27

I put them out in the spring for birds, thank you for the definition though, I did not know that!

belle2105 Publish time 2015-12-11 13:40

Hmmm.... i usually throws them away.Maybe I will try to keep them too :)

Henutsen Publish time 2022-8-4 15:48

Yo los utilizo para hacer pequeños cojines o alfileteros.

janae Publish time 2020-12-2 11:17

I keep mine in a jar, I think they look really cool!

antje Publish time 2019-1-28 21:40

thanks for the information...

redstar Publish time 2011-9-18 20:19

ORT also means Old ragged threads I have an old ragged thread jar, I use it to stuff small things like pincushions, i also think of it as recycling and it also means every last bit of my threads are not wasted too :lol

mumiits Publish time 2011-9-18 20:52

I also tried the following to handle the ends of the thread, but did not work out. Hard to remember to collect them and put in jar. While slowly fills jar, but very slowly.

apxstitch Publish time 2011-9-25 09:23

I keep them in a jar, saves them from going all over my house and it's a lot of fun to watch them grow!

Drea66 Publish time 2011-10-2 12:21

I save mine and put it out for the birds in the spring.

gegebee43 Publish time 2011-10-2 23:36

interesting information

urmel Publish time 2011-10-3 23:22

I also collect my "stiching-garbage", only for fun. And at the end of a project, I'm always surprised how much it is, although the threads I've cut are very short. The idea to leave it for the birds is nice; I've never thought about it. Normally I throw it away after finished my work.

sallyrose Publish time 2011-10-4 14:09

Post Last Edit by sallyrose at 10-4-2011 14:11

Reply 7# Drea66

    Good idea!

It is fun to see the jar fill up with the bits of thread.
I have been surprised myself with the amount.

Dima Publish time 2011-10-4 21:19

i collect mine in an old jelly bean jar. I like to look at it and try to guess where each color came from :)

susiequeue123 Publish time 2011-10-5 04:36

thanks for the info!i have thrown so many away, i would have a dump truck by now if i hadn't!maybe i'll start a collection.
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